Japan's finance minister, Taro Aso, said Tuesday that any discussions with the United States on exchange rates would take place between the Ministry of Finance and the U.S. Treasury, suggesting that Japan wants to talk about exchange rates and trade separately.
Detroit auto makers and trade unions insisted Monday that any trade agreement between the United States and Japan must contain strict rules against currency manipulation. Aso responded to a reporter's request.
The United States and Japan are expected to begin trade negotiations early next year. At a hearing setting the negotiating targets, the United Auto Workers'Union (UAW) called on the Trump Administration to set strict quotas for imports of Japanese automobiles and spare parts, and any increase in quotas should be based on the growth of U.S. auto exports to Japan.
Any regulations against the weak yen or restrictions on the number of automobile exports to the United States will pose a serious threat to the Japanese automobile industry and may threaten Japan's economic prospects.
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